Facing Fear

(There are fill in the blanks and room for questions and answers in this posting). What is the worst thing that could ever happen to you?  Death, while perhaps intimidating is not the worst thing.  There is an appointment with death that God has on His schedule for you.  Hebrews 9:27 teaches, And as itContinue reading “Facing Fear”

Get Back in the Game

Fear. Aloneness. Anxiety. Struggles. Failure. Losses. Stress. Falling. Disappointment. Falsehoods. Lies. Stories. Regret. Pain. Each of us will experience the above forms of suffering at some point in our lives.  Some of us may seemingly endure more pain and agony than others.  How do we cope?  How can we rise above the fears, failures, andContinue reading “Get Back in the Game”